




Learning Brief




Theoretical Components


Practical Components


Unit goals

·      Understand the concepts and techniques in statistics

·      Solve problems in statistics

·      Interpret and evaluate mathematical and statistical information

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

·       Use bivariate data with time as the independent variable

·       Apply smoothing techniques to time series

·       Understand seasonal adjustment (deseasonalise)

·       Utilise a spreadsheet to deseasonalise






Do the following questions. Organise your solution neatly in your exercise book


The PDF file Chap 4


Exercise 4A Q1 to Q5, Q7 and Q8 (do by hand)

Exercise 4B Use CAS Q1, Q2, Q7

Exercise 4C Q1, Q2 Smooth the data by hand.  Find the equation of both the original and smoothed data using CAS.  Do Part c using both equations and compare.

Exercise 4F 

Q1 Use the spreadsheet on HawkerMaths called Seasonal Adjustment – Sugar to answer this question.  Note how the formula in the spreadsheet corresponds to the steps shown in Worked Example 9

Q2 Use the spreadsheet ‘Seasonal Adjustment – Rainfall’.  You will need to add an extra column for 2004

Q4  Use the spreadsheet ‘Seasonal adjustment – Employment’  and adjust headings as necessary.


1.  Make a copy of each of the spreadsheets to your own thumbdrive or folder before making changes.

2.  When adding rows or columns make sure the cell references are correct in the new cells.


From the PDF file Chap 4


4A Worked Example 1


4B Worked Example 3


4C Worked Example 5


4F  Worked Example 9



Make sure you are confident about the following key concepts:

·       Types of trend

·       Plotting time series

·       Trend lines

·       Forecasting

·       Smoothing

·       Deseasonalising

·       Use of spreadsheets













































To come... 











None this week